Unknown might be one of the defining ingridients of true adventure. This time it is somewhere beyond that, because while setting out from Latvia noone knew, when the kick off of the next leg will take place and who will participate. Having said that, here in the details we will do our best to connect the dots.
Third leg of human powered journey around the world. In 9 months travel from Pontian, Malaysia to Luderitz, Namibia. Crossing Malaysia, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia by bicycle and the Indian Ocean by ocean rowing boat. Noone will use engines, sails or any other external driving implements. Nor support crew or vessel is joining. By compleating this stage Karlis will join the dots around the world, where the journey started in 2016 in Namibia.
20th of December 2021 – the Autumn of 2022
By bicycle 850 km across the Malaysia. Then 7700 km across the Indian Ocean by boat and then 5000 km across Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia by bicycle.
If along the journey You can take someone with You it is a double the joy. This time we all are helping fondation Hospiss LV to row their big dream – to build the first, proper hospice care center in Latvia. Every km rowed on the Ocean converts into donationas by followers, who can virtually row together. As a acknowledgment every supporter will recieve a certificate by snail mail stating their rowed km on the Ocean. Please take Your chance to row across the Ocean and help this big dream to happen here – airemaju.lv
It is for certain, that Karlis is doing the whole route no metter what. Cycling, rowing and cycling again. Let’s see how, when and if someone is joining him along this time. Stay tuned!
This expedition wold not be possible without some new and some long term supporters. Thank You to all of them!