We invited the adventurer Kārlis Bardelis with his story “Moved by the Waves of the Ocean” to participate in the annual meeting of the members of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in order to provide motivation for not giving up and working towards future development. Not only me, but everyone present were surprised by how vivid, exciting and interesting the summary of the journey was, in which we learned about the problematic situations and also the funniest episodes that took place until the set goal – Brazil – was reached. Such keywords as “teamwork”, “motivation”, “difficulties”, “cooperation” and others appeared in this narration, which are also an integral everyday part of entrepreneurs. When assessing the experience of Kārlis Bardelis, we found inspiration not to give up and to rethink and to evaluate what we face on a daily basis. He was able to not only earn standing ovations, but to move several hundreds of entrepreneurs, whose applause proves – a lot can be achieved, as long as there is a goal and willingness!
Aigars Rostovskis “Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry” PresidentOur company invited Kārlis Bardelis to tell his story “Moved by the Waves of the Ocean” at the annual event of franchisees. We can definitely say that the story inspired and moved everyone in the audience. The presentation was adapted to this particular seminar, which gave special value to this event. Everyone gained inspiration and faith in their own strength. This inspiring and positive story serves as the driving force towards achieving new goals. We encourage also other companies to get inspired by the experience and positivity of this man in order to understand that anything is possible in life.
Kristīne Krišjāne SIA “Narvesen Baltija”, Head of Personnel Development and Training CenterKārlis’ story was like an energising charge to our team in the daily rush. When the team hears such stories, it is a great opportunity for gaining momentum to expand ones possibilities and to enjoy the colours of life in their full spectrum. Kārlis’ narration is alive, vivid with a great dose of humour and joy, he talks about what he has experienced and felt himself, about things that make him feel alive and live life to its fullest.
Jolanta Jansone SIA “Eco Baltia grupa”, Personnel ManagerWe invited Kārlis to tell his story “Moved by the Waves of the Ocean” at the seminar for the development of management skills of JSC “Attīstības Finanšu institūcija Altum”, because personal experience inspires and motivates best to do more or, as in this case, to do differently – definitely outside the comfort zone. None of the listeners remained indifferent to Kārlis’ enthusiastic and positive story about the experience and impressions gained during his journey and the moments, when the goal was so close, but at the same time so unattainable. With excitement and interest, we followed the visual presentation prepared by Kārlis Bardelis of his inspiring experience, which assured each of us that anything is possible, as long as there is a strong determination, willpower and goal, the implementation of which is self-evident.
Aiga Kļaveniece JSC “Development Finance Institution Altum”, Head of Human Resources DepartmentThe inspiring story of courage, fearlessness towards the goal inspired all the employees. Valdis Vancovičs, Chairman of Tele 2 Board, admitted that Kārlis’ participation in the training was a very good solution. The presentation of the images and the videos clearly demonstrated that in fact we set the boundaries ourselves and Kārlis proved it very well with his story of experience and adventure. Thanks to the inspiring presentation “Moved by the Waves of the Ocean”, we achieved 100% of the expected and hoped for goal, as the employees enjoyed this training as well.
Personnel Management Director Aija Bite-Ozere, Training specialist Mārtiņš Straume SIA “TELE 2”Karlis' story is both very insightful and inspiring. Independent of your position within organization, you might benefit from this story in lots of ways. It is a great example of being true to yourself and true to others, it is a great example of leadership and teamwork, and, no question, it is an amazing insight into what's possible. Karlis himself is very engaging and provocative speaker, and footage from the trip make the audience experience the story alive.
Dainius Baltrušaitis CEO, UAB “CONFINN”Kārlis’ story encouraged vivid imagination in the audience, refreshed the everyday life, provided a wide range of emotions and a huge dose of inspiration, at the same time allowing to realize that the limits of a person’s abilities are endless. The story “Moved by the Waves of the Ocean” was discussed long after the event, encouraging people to go on new and unusual trips themselves and to get inspired to achieve new goals! Such personalities as Kārlis fascinate, inspire and make you think that not everything in life goes smoothly. We face difficulties, failures, defeats and falls, but what makes us grow and develop is how well we are able to perceive the obstacles, how successfully we are able to work together and to continue working.
Lineta Mikša Head of Public Relations and Communication in the company “Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Latvija”Kārlis Bardelis had moved and inspired one of our colleagues during his presentation at the conference “HR Personnel and Labour Law 2017”, and she suggested inviting him to participate in the internal staff event. Kārlis’ performance was just right for the gloomy and wet November afternoon, because the humorous and lively narration allowed to forget about the daily routine and worries for at least 2 hours. But his adventures, as well as answers to questions served as a perfect reminder and confirmation that every goal is achievable, and that the main thing is to not quit, when faced with fears and doubts. After the lecture, the colleagues continued to discuss his message with each other and, imagined themselves in Kārlis shoes, rethinking their goals and limitation that hinder their achievements.
Inta Poča-Kalaus Office of Sworn Attorneys “BDO Law”, Marketing Specialist