
Bored of Borders

Can’t believe this, but the Garmin navigation system shows 5036nm which is 9327km! That’s the total distance from Malaysia including all the zigzags! I know it’s just a number, but still that’s a lot. 258nm /477km until the closest point of the coast. That’s also unbelievable šŸ˜…
Photo – 25th February, 2022.

Neticami, bet Garmin Latvija navigācijas ekrāns rāda 5036nm, kas ir 9327km! Tā ir kopējā distance no Malaizijas ar visiem lÄ«kumiem! Tas jau tikai skaitlis, bet tomēr daudz. LÄ«dz tuvākajam krasta punktam 258NM /477km. Tas arÄ« neticami šŸ˜…
Foto – Ŕī gada 25. februāris.


Letā€™s not forget the Hospice charity we are raising fonds to, please, take a look ā€“Ā

With me on this expedition:

Depo Latvia,Ā SB Siltumtehnika,Ā Turkish Airlines,Ā AIROS,Ā BeweShip Latvia,Ā veikals Ceļotājs,Ā Sportland,Ā the Northface,Ā Garmin latvija,Ā Watex Å«dens filtri,Ā Hansael,Ā Prestol,Ā Rare darbnÄ«ca,Ā Veggy crush,Ā go pro latvija,Ā radio SWH,Ā Hospiss LV,Ā OSM crew managememt Latvia.


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